Food styling is another string to my bow. I practice it for the press and ads. But before it is ever tasted, food has to be devoured with the eyes. The pictures of the dishes have to look gorgeous. It’s a long-term endeavour.

Giving priority to the image for it to be right up there;

Presenting and designing recipes;

Choosing the right props and accessories to frame it well;

Being precise, rigorous and quick;

Helping yourself with some “pro”’s tips.
Everything must be in place for the photo session!
Press work: SAVEURS Elle, Marie-Claire Maison, L’Express Style, Maison Française, Régal.
Advertisements: Thalys, Monoprix, Maille, Philadelphia.
Publishing: Marabout

Photo Akiko Ida, from the book “Dolce” – Murdoch Books
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